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Competences 4.0 - Competences for the Digital Servitization: a new framework and assessment tool for manufacturing companies

Digital technologies are an enabler of the provision of new services and add functions and value to the product. Despite, the high importance of the phenomenon, there is a lack of knowledge on how manufacturers should seize this opportunity. The main goal of this research project is to define a list of competences that allow digital servitization to be successful, to investigate about how much these competences are diffused and how are generated or acquired by the companies. Moreover, an assessment tool will be developed in order to support companies to identify what competences are more critical in their case, their level of knowledge and how to develop them. The first step is to analyse the merging trends of digitalization and servitization in manufacturing companies, describe and explain how the evolving technological landscape facilitates servitization. By analysing the current knowledge on these topics, we realize how these two megatrends are jointly changing the resources, competences, skills and consequently business models of manufacturing firms. One of objectives of this research project is to develop a framework so to provide a first systematization of the current knowledge on the topic, consolidate and evaluate the intellectual territory of the research field and to identify possible gaps in order to extent the body of knowledge further. Furthermore, a series of interviews and a survey with companies in Italy and around Europe will give a clearer view of the situation in manufacturing. A series of case studies will be conducted in order to gain insights into the research problem and to support the development of an assessment tool which will evaluate, measure and support companies to this transformation.  


Digital technologies are an enabler of the provision of new services and add functions and value to the product. Despite, the high importance of the phenomenon, there is a lack of knowledge on how manufacturers should seize this opportunity. The main goal of this research project is to define a list of competences that allow digital servitization to be successful, to investigate about how much these competences are diffused and how are generated or acquired by the companies. Moreover, an assessment tool will be developed in order to support companies to identify what competences are more critical in their case, their level of knowledge and how to develop them. The first step is to analyse the merging trends of digitalization and servitization in manufacturing companies, describe and explain how the evolving technological landscape facilitates servitization. By analysing the current knowledge on these topics, we realize how these two megatrends are jointly changing the resources, competences, skills and consequently business models of manufacturing firms. One of objectives of this research project is to develop a framework so to provide a first systematization of the current knowledge on the topic, consolidate and evaluate the intellectual territory of the research field and to identify possible gaps in order to extent the body of knowledge further. Furthermore, a series of interviews and a survey with companies in Italy and around Europe will give a clearer view of the situation in manufacturing. A series of case studies will be conducted in order to gain insights into the research problem and to support the development of an assessment tool which will evaluate, measure and support companies to this transformation.